Sunday, November 29, 2009

Well its almost the end of the semester and I have a lot of work to do. I'm just doing my best trying to catch up on school work, and trying to manage with my living situation. I want nothing more than to pass all of my classes this semester, since last semester I had failed one, and I definitely don't want to have to take that class again, making it a third time. That would be awful! I wish I had better stress managing skills than smoking cigarettes like a chimney.

I think I may finally be getting a job babysitting soon, which would be excellent for me since my major is early childhood education, and plus I love children. Hopefully that will go alright, I'm supposed to meet with the family Sunday.

*fingers crossed*

"Thank You For Smoking" Response

I really enjoyed watching Thank You For Smoking. I thought this movie made good points, and was quite funny while doing so. My favorite character in this movie was "Nick Naylor" because he was sarcastic and witty.
When I saw we were going to be watching this movie on the syllabus I was excited because although I had not seen it before this, I had heard that it was great.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Good Times

Last night (Saturday night), was really fun. My friend Josh and I went out to a late dinner at Westgate, then we went to the midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show, and that was awesome. I like feeling the energy of the people, although it was kind of obnoxious at times when I just wanted to relax. I had a good time though, it wasn't too expensive and it was just fun.

Right now I'm just hoping my printer has enough ink to finish this poster.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


This weather is leaving me feeling like crap. My body just feels all messed up. Its been raining for I don't even know how many days straight. All I know is that its depressing and I don't feel well. I hate it when it seems like it just goes from summer straight to winter. I like autumn sometimes, but not when its this gloomy out.
The light from my computer screen is turning my headache into a migrane. >.<

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Burning Bright

I was kinda disappointed with the end of the book. I was really hoping that Bradbury would have brought Clarisse back into the story, but sadly, he didn't and now I'll never really know. Overall, I enjoyed reading this, but I always get almost...upset when I finish a good book because I know its over.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The other day I experienced pure chaos in red lion. On the way just to get a pack of cigarettes and a bite to eat, my friends and I had a pretty crazy experience. There was an over sized load going down Main St, surrounded by six cops, blocking the road for an ambulance to go around. At the same time, there were about 4 fire trucks with their sirens blaring. Then, as we turned onto 24, more fire trucks appeared outside of a building, and we ran right into the traffic.

It was really crazy and I was terrified that something horrible was going to happen to me since there was already so many things going on. But luckily, I was safe, and I hope that everyone else involved is also.

I never would have thought it would've taken over an hour to get a pack of cigarettes.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thursday's discussion

I really enjoyed the discussion we had on Thursday--(Wednesday, sorry Lily. ha), it's nice to hear other peoples interpretations of the book section by section. When you hear another person's perspective then it can help you understand, or even change your interpretation. With the whole class involved, everyone can learn from each other, while several peoples interpretations may differ, they could come together as a whole to help create full understanding.