Sunday, November 29, 2009

Well its almost the end of the semester and I have a lot of work to do. I'm just doing my best trying to catch up on school work, and trying to manage with my living situation. I want nothing more than to pass all of my classes this semester, since last semester I had failed one, and I definitely don't want to have to take that class again, making it a third time. That would be awful! I wish I had better stress managing skills than smoking cigarettes like a chimney.

I think I may finally be getting a job babysitting soon, which would be excellent for me since my major is early childhood education, and plus I love children. Hopefully that will go alright, I'm supposed to meet with the family Sunday.

*fingers crossed*

"Thank You For Smoking" Response

I really enjoyed watching Thank You For Smoking. I thought this movie made good points, and was quite funny while doing so. My favorite character in this movie was "Nick Naylor" because he was sarcastic and witty.
When I saw we were going to be watching this movie on the syllabus I was excited because although I had not seen it before this, I had heard that it was great.